Transforming Transaction Banking with Data

Transaction Banking
31.07.2024 by Filippo Castagnola, Stephan Metzger Reading time: 3 minute(s)
Bird's eye view: A bridge in the city of Zurich with cars on it symbolizes the transformation of transaction banking with data.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Transaction Banking, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage; it's a key element for success. We at Vontobel have taken a significant leap by harnessing the potential of data analytics within our Transaction Banking Relationship Management team. Having successfully developed an internal data analytics platform tailored to our business needs, we have streamlined the approach to trading analytics, profitability analytics and risk monitoring enabling our Relation Management team to have all the relevant information at its fingertips. Anytime. Everywhere.

Unveiling the data analytics platform

Vontobel's Transaction Banking has strategically invested in developing an advanced internal and external data analytics platform. This platform encompasses a wide range of topics, covering comprehensive trading analytics, profitability analysis and risk monitoring. This initiative has positioned us at the forefront of innovation, allowing us to navigate the evolving complexity and combat the higher costs while at same time creating benefits for the client and us.

Knowing clients inside out

One of the key benefits derived from our data analytics platform is the in-depth understanding it provides about our clients and their needs. By aggregating and analyzing vast amounts of data, we gain valuable insights into client behavior, preferences, and historical trading patterns. This deep understanding allows the Relationship Management team to tailor our services to meet individual client needs even better, fostering stronger and more personalized long-term relationships.




Visual 1: The Execution Profitability Dashboard provides information on client trading behavior, including detailed information on order flow profitability.


Proactive problem identification

The ability to identify problems in a client's trade flow before they do is a key advantage. Vontobel's analytics platform empowers the Relationship Management team to detect anomalies and potential problems in a timely manner. This forward-looking approach not only enhances client satisfaction by minimizing disruptions but also establishes Vontobel as an active and reliable partner.

Mitigating risks with precision

Risk mitigation is a cornerstone of our solid business model. At Vontobel, we have developed our risk management capabilities with the help of data analyses. The platform enables Vontobel to identify and analyse potential risks before they escalate, allowing Vontobel’s first line of defense to take preemptive measures.


«The ability to spot unusual changes or patterns in a client's order flow before he does is a key advantage.»

Filippo Castagnola
Project Manager & Data Analyst



Visual 2: The ETD Risk Dashboard provides information on the limit utilization of counterparties in connection with the ETD business.


The future of Transaction Banking

Vontobel's venture into data analytics within our Relationship Management team exemplifies the future of how we want to conduct business at Vontobel Transaction Banking. The combination of advanced analytics and excellent service not only streamlines operations but also opens new avenues for innovation and improved user experience. We are convinced that as the financial landscape continues to evolve, those who leverage data effectively will be better equipped to adapt and thrive.

How you can benefit as a client

How can you harness our cutting-edge insights to your own advantage? The answer lies in embracing the Trading Analytics Platform™ (TAP), a unique tool that opens the door to a new era of data-driven decision-making in the realm of Transaction Banking.

TAP empowers you to monitor your executions with customized benchmarks for individual strategies. By tailoring its analyses to your specific needs, TAP provides a level of granularity that is essential in today's dynamic financial landscape.

TAP offers a powerful and intuitive analysis platform. It goes beyond mere data points, transforming your trade analyses into a source of strategic intelligence that can guide your decision-making process.




Visual 3: The “Liquidity Cockpit” provides a comprehensive statistical overview of the various trading venues where orders were executed.

«The future of the trading industry belongs to those who embrace advanced analytics.»

Stephan Metzger
Senior Trading Data Scientist


Empowering you with performance metrics

Let TAP become your steadfast companion, supporting you with empirical performance metrics. The comprehensive tool facilitates the monitoring, measurement, and management of your Best Execution obligations (if applicable). With TAP, you don't just react to market trends; you actively shape them with data-backed insights that helps you to provide an excellent service to your end-client.

Talk to us to learn more about data-driven decision-making

As we've witnessed Vontobel's journey into the realm of big data, the message is clear: the future of the trading industry belongs to those who embrace advanced analytics. With TAP, you not only adopt a state-of-the-art platform but potentially position yourself at the forefront of the industry, equipped with the tools to navigate the complexities of modern finance.


A man looks at Vontobel's Trading Analytics Platform on his notebook

Benefit from our expertise in trading analytics

Maximize your trading success with advanced analytics by having all relevant data regarding your trades at your fingertips. Anywhere. Anytime.

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