The building of Bank Vontobel - exterior view
Legal notice

Patriot Act Certification

Pursuant to the USA PATRIOT Act and final rules issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, a U.S. bank or a U.S. broker-dealer in securities (a "Covered Financial Institution") is required to obtain certain information from any "Foreign Bank" that maintains a correspondent account with it.

As permitted by the final rules, Bank Vontobel AG has prepared a Global Certification for use by any financial institution that believes it requires a Patriot Act Certification from Bank Vontobel AG. Please use this Certification instead of asking Bank Vontobel AG or one of its branches or listed subsidiaries to complete a separate Certification form.

General Statement on Observance of Anti-Money Laundering Requirements

Bank Vontobel AG are firmly committed to participating in international efforts to combat money laundering and the funding of terrorist and criminal activities.

Bank Vontobel AG is a public company with its headquarters in Switzerland, Gotthardstrasse 43, CH-8022 Zurich and as a registered banking institute is supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA. In addition, Bank Vontobel AG is a member of the Swiss Bankers Association (Schweizerische Bankiervereinigung), which as the Swiss banks' self regulatory body draws up binding codes of conduct which define what constitutes good practice and ethically correct management within the Swiss banking industry.

Switzerland is a member country of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and has enacted laws and rules designed to implement the anti-money laundering policies of both FATF (and the EU). The goal of these laws is to detect and prevent money laundering and potential terrorist financing.

Bank Vontobel AG implements an anti-money laundering (AML) program that is designed to comply with the Swiss anti-money laundering rules as a minimum standard throughout the bank as well as with all local laws, regulations, and guidance relating to the prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing, and related financial crimes. These include written policies and procedures, a designated antimony laundering officer, regular training for relevant employees, and an independent audit to test the implementation of the program.

As part of its anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist compliance efforts, Bank Vontobel AG takes steps to ensure that it complies with any and all applicable embargo regulations. Bank Vontobel AG uses its best efforts to ensure compliance with these prohibitions and restrictions and to detect suspicious activities. Depending on the jurisdiction and business line, Bank Vontobel AG operates technical systems and/or manual monitoring systems to detect potential suspicious activities. Any such suspicious activities detected are reported to law enforcement in accordance with applicable local laws.

If you have any questions or require additional information regarding Bank Vontobel AG's anti-money laundering efforts, please contact:

Bank Vontobel AG
General Counsel, Head Legal & Compliance
Dr. Maria-Antonella Bino
Gotthardstrasse 43
CH-8022 Zürich

Tel. +41 58 283 77 04
Articles of Association of Vontobel Holding AG

Bank Vontobel AG Reports

16.11.2023Patriot Act Bank Vontobel AGDownload
26.09.2024Anti-Money Laundering QuestionnaireDownload

